SUPRAMAC® SGR 5000, ram, açik en kompaktör vb. terbiye makinelerinin kumas giris ünitesindeki dokuma veya rme kumaslar merkezleyen citali kilavuz silindirdir. Kumasin konumu SUPRAMAC
IWS 100 Kizilötesi Genis Bant Sensörü tarafindan algilanir. Pömatik veya motorlu citali silindir, dönmesi (latalarinin sola, sola/saga hareketi) ile kumasi istenilen konuma getirir.
360° açi kontrollü açici silindir ünitesi SR 55 sayesinde kumas tamamen acilarak citali kumas merkezleviciye beslenir. Iki silindirin kumasi cekme açisi bir el carki araciligyla ayarlanabilir.
SUPRAMAC® SGR 5000 is a slatted guider roller that centres woven or knitted fabrics in the fabric inlet unit of finishing machines such stenters, open width compactors, etc. The position of the fabric is detected by SUPRAMAC IWS 100 Infrared Wide Band Sensor. The pneumatic or motorized slatted cylinder moves the fabric into the required position by the rotation of roller and right(left, left/right movement of its slats. Slats surface was covered with special mohair like tapes for strong adherence. Thanks to the 360° angle controlled spreading unit SR 55 , fabric fed into the guider roller fully opened. The drawing-in angle of the two rollers can be adjusted through a hand Wheel.

İnceleme: kişi inceledi

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